

DRAGON BALL LEGENDS is a thrilling mobile game that combines high-intensity battles with a compelling storyline. Developed by Bandai Namco, the game allows fans of the iconic anime series to engage with their favorite characters in a whole new way. My exploration began when I downloaded the game, lured by the promise of intense actions and strategi...


  • Svetlana Hovan

DRAGON BALL LEGENDS is a thrilling mobile game that combines high-intensity battles with a compelling storyline. Developed by Bandai Namco, the game allows fans of the iconic anime series to engage with their favorite characters in a whole new way. My exploration began when I downloaded the game, lured by the promise of intense actions and strategic gameplay.

Setting the Scene: The Game's Plot

From the onset, DRAGON BALL LEGENDS captivated me with its original storyline. Set within the expansive universe of Dragon Ball, the game features a new protagonist named Shallot, an ancient Saiyan who awakens with no memory amidst a world of relentless conflicts. The storyline progresses as Shallot embarks on a journey to recover his memories, guided by the familiar face of Goku and other characters. This storyline excels at captivating players and driving them to move forward in the game.

Gameplay Mechanics

The gameplay of DRAGON BALL LEGENDS is where it truly shines. The intuitive controls and innovative card-based attack system allowed me to unleash spectacular moves and combos effortlessly. The game blends action, strategy, and real-time multiplayer battles, providing a dynamic gaming experience. Selecting the appropriate characters and creating a well-rounded team has become a regular activity for me, since every character has distinct skills and attributes.

Graphics and Design

Graphically, DRAGON BALL LEGENDS does not disappoint. The game features beautiful 3D animations that remain true to the series' aesthetic. Every battle is a visual treat, with vibrant colors and fluid character movements that mirror the dynamism of the anime. The design of new characters and the reimagining of iconic Dragon Ball locales are both respectful of the source material and fresh, providing a visual delight to both newcomers and long-time fans.

Sound and Music

The auditory experience in DRAGON BALL LEGENDS is just as impressive as its visuals. The game features an energetic soundtrack that fits the fast-paced nature of the battles, and the voice acting brings a layer of authenticity and excitement. The familiar sound effects of attacks and transformations are spot on, building up the nostalgia while immersing players deeply into the combat.

Bugs and Glitches

Like many mobile games, DRAGON BALL LEGENDS is not free from bugs and glitches. Throughout my gameplay, I encountered occasional issues such as game freezes during loading screens and unexpected crashes during multiplayer matches. While these were frustrating, the developers have been proactive in addressing these problems through updates and patches, improving the overall stability of the game.

Cheats and Tricks

While I always try to play games without relying on cheats, there are several legitimate strategies in DRAGON BALL LEGENDS that can enhance your gameplay experience. Understanding the synergy between characters and mastering the timing of card-based attacks can significantly increase your chances of winning battles. Additionally, participating in various in-game events can also provide you with the resources needed to strengthen your team.

Awards and Nominations

DRAGON BALL LEGENDS has received numerous accolades since its launch. Its groundbreaking strategy in mobile gaming and its triumphant translation of the Dragon Ball universe have secured it nominations in multiple categories at various gaming award events. The blend of beloved characters with fresh gameplay mechanics has resonated with both critics and players alike, securing its place as a notable title in the mobile gaming world.

Gameplay Tips

For new players, understanding the importance of character elements and team composition is key. Building a team with complementary skills and elemental advantages can turn the tide in battles. Also, practicing the timing of dodges and attacks is essential for mastering the combat system. Keep an eye on daily and event missions to maximize your resource gains and progress through the game more efficiently.

Personal Experience and Verdict

Playing DRAGON BALL LEGENDS has been an immensely enjoyable experience. The game strikes an excellent balance between action-packed sequences and strategic planning. The plot enhances the gaming experience, transforming it from a mere fighting game into a worthwhile adventure. As an enthusiast of the Dragon Ball franchise, I found this game to be a joyous addition to the beloved universe.

Future Prospects

With continuous updates and the introduction of new characters and events, the future of DRAGON BALL LEGENS looks promising. I am excited to see how the game will evolve and how the developers will continue to engage the community. The potential for expansion in both the storyline and gameplay mechanics can potentially keep this game on the favorites list for years to come.

Final Recommendations

For anyone who is a fan of the Dragon Ball series or enjoys action and strategy mobile games, DRAGON BALL LEGENDS is a must-try. Its immersive gameplay, gorgeous graphics, and dynamic sound make it an unforgettable experience that is both challenging and rewarding. So, gather your favorite characters and dive into the world of Dragon Ball like never before!

  • The engaging storyline that expands the Dragon Ball universe
  • Intuitive and innovative gameplay mechanics
  • Exceptionally done graphics and character animations
  • Multiplayer mode that enhances competitive play
  • Occasional bugs and glitches can disrupt gameplay
  • Requires a steady internet connection for optimal performance
  • There might be pay-to-win aspects that could disadvantage free-to-play users