

Save Them All Drawing Puzzle is a refreshingly innovative game that captivates puzzle lovers and creative thinkers alike. As a long-time gaming enthusiast, I found my hands-on experience with this game both challenging and exhilarating. This article provides a detailed review covering the gameplay, storyline, graphics, sound design, and much more....

Save them all - drawing puzzle

  • Adam Sheffer

Save Them All Drawing Puzzle is a refreshingly innovative game that captivates puzzle lovers and creative thinkers alike. As a long-time gaming enthusiast, I found my hands-on experience with this game both challenging and exhilarating. This article provides a detailed review covering the gameplay, storyline, graphics, sound design, and much more. So, buckle up as we dive deep into the intricacies of this intriguing game.

The Engaging Gameplay Mechanism

At its core, Save Them All revolves around a simple yet captivating concept: drawing lines or shapes to solve puzzles and save characters from impending threats. The gameplay is straightforward but becomes increasingly complex as you progress through the levels. Each stage presents unique challenges that require not just logical thinking but also a dash of creativity. Whether it's drawing a bridge to cross a gap or creating a barrier to block rolling stones, the puzzles are designed to keep you on your toes.

Compelling Storyline and Plot Progression

The storytelling element of Save Them All enriches the gameplay experience with extra depth. Although minimalistic, the storyline provides a purpose to the puzzles, enhancing the overall experience. As I navigated through the levels, I found myself genuinely concerned for the safety of the game's characters, which is a testament to the emotional impact of the plot. The story unfolds gradually, keeping the mystery alive and making each level completion feel rewarding.

Uncovering Bugs and Glitches

No game is without flaws, and Save Them All is no exception. During my playthrough, I encountered a few bugs that, while not game-breaking, did hinder the experience somewhat. For instance, there were moments when the drawn lines would not register correctly, causing unnecessary frustration. However, these issues were few and far between and did not significantly detract from the overall enjoyment of the game.

Award Nominations and Acknowledgments

Save Them All has garnered significant acclaim within the gaming world due to its creative gameplay and captivating design. It has been nominated for several awards in categories such as 'Best Puzzle Game' and 'Most Innovative Game Design'. These nominations are a clear indication of its quality and the positive reception from both critics and players alike.

Stunning Graphics and Artistic Design

Visually, Save Them All is a treat. The game features simple yet aesthetically pleasing graphics that perfectly complement its puzzle nature. The use of vibrant colors and cute character designs adds to its charm. Each level is visually distinct, which not only keeps the gameplay fresh but also makes the experience more engaging.

Immersive Sound Design

The sound design in Save Them All is noteworthy. The background music is whimsical and light-hearted, perfectly fitting the game's tone. Sound effects are also well-used, enhancing the actions like drawing lines and achieving successful outcomes. The auditory experience definitely adds an extra layer of enjoyment to the game.

Cheats and Tricks for Optimal Gameplay

While Save Them All encourages problem-solving and learning through trial and error, a few tips and tricks can help you get past some of the trickier challenges: Take your time to analyze the scenario before drawing. Sometimes, less is more. Try to solve puzzles with minimal lines. Experiment with different shapes, as sometimes unconventional solutions can be the most effective. If stuck, don't hesitate to look up hints or walkthroughs. Sometimes a fresh perspective is all you need.

Personal Experience and In-depth Analysis

Delving deeper into my personal experience, I must commend the developers for striking an excellent balance between challenge and accessibility. Each puzzle forces you to think but isn't exasperating. My particular favorite moments were when I solved complex puzzles that first seemed insurmountable, leading to bursts of exhilaration and a sense of accomplishment.

Community and Multiplayer Experiments

Save Them All also boasts an active community where players share solutions, tips, and creative drawings. This community aspect eitances the game further by fostering a sense of camarood and collective problem-solving. Although primarily a single-player experience, the shared insights and camaraderie within the community enriched my gameplay experience significantly.

Future Updates and Expansions

The potential for future updates and expansion packs is promising. The developers have hinted at introducing new levels, mechanics, and possibly a multiplayer mode, which could elevate the game to new heights. Continued support and updates will ensure that Save Them All remains relevant and enjoyable for a long time.


Overall, Save Them All Drawing Puzzle is a delightful and engaging game that is both fun and mentally stimulating. Its unique blend of simple graphics, captivating gameplay, and a supportive community makes it a must-play for anyone who enjoys puzzle games. Despite a few minor bugs, my time with the game was overwhelmingly positive and full of memorable puzzle-solving adventures.

  • Rewarding puzzle mechanics
  • Creative freedom in solutions
  • Visually appealing graphics
  • Engaging storyline and characters
  • Active player community
  • Occasional bugs and glitches
  • Limited number of levels
  • Potentially frustrating at higher difficulties
  • No real-time multiplayer mode